History and Resume

We have experience of over 40 years in public relations, marketing, advertising and design with a professional team for marketing and public relations projects by providing strategic business counsel for a wide range of client types — corporate, government, institutional, education, and technology companies. Current and past clients include: Deloitte; Open Solutions; Laidlaw Transit, Inc. (First Student); ADVO (Valersis); CIGNA; and over 25 start-up enterprises. In additions, these major nonprofit organizations Connecticut Historical Society & Museum, Connecticut Community College System; University of Connecticut; Hartford Hospital Harry Gray Cancer Center; VNA Healthcare, MetroHartford Alliance; and Hartford Foundation for Public Giving and over 60 public and privateeducational institutions.
During the past 12 years, ira has mentored and worked with over 50 startup companies from very early stage to stage 2 or existing companies in creating a brand identity and market plan. In February 2012, He incorporated my experience of working in the healthcare field and created iNeedHomecareNow™. an online search and match website that helps family caregivers find qualified home care agencies.
He was also a chronicler and fund-raiser for the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island Centennial restoration projects during the 1980s. This was one of his proudest accomplishments along with honoring my heritage. He applied my entrepreneurial skills to help raise more than $100,000 for the preservation of this important national monument and created a supplementary curriculum that was distributed to thousands of schools across the nation.
It was with that experience and purpose that he founded Tall Timbers Marketing (formerly First Experience Communications) in 1983. He used strategic skills to encompass leading-edge business practices that include integrated market communications, Internet strategies, and sustained marketing business models. The firm supports an organization’s business goals by using a core competency model. He has been active in the Public Relations Society of America for over 30 years, and am an Accredited in Public Relations (APR) professional and elected member in the College of Fellows, with the honorary title of Fellow PRSA. The firm has received dozens of awards and honors over the past 40 years. Here are some of my recent professional and community activities:
2018 to Present — Connecticut Entrepreneurial Forum
2013 to Present — Mentor, MassChallenge (US, Israel), Boston, MA
2010 – 2023, Mentor, Connecticut Innovations CT TECH Incubator Initiative, Yale Entrepreneurial Institute, CTNext. Connecticut Eco-System Initiative
2015 — 2019 Steering Committee, Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
2015 – Current, Board Member, MIT Enterprise Forum CT
2015 – 2017, Steering Committee, MetroHartford Alliance, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Initiative
2005 – 2019 Board Member, Connecticut Technology Council
2011 – 2017, Leadership Greater Hartford Board of Directors
2004 — 2010 – Chair, Glastonbury Education Foundation, Raised $400,000 for pilot programs using state-of-the-art technology and digital sound, video, web and television studio
2005 – 2009 Board Member, Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce
2006 – Elected to the Public Relations Society of America College of Fellows. An acknowledgment by peers for the body of work I have done over a period of 25 years. Only 400 professionals are members of this prestigious organization.
2007 – Launched a comprehensive business management program for public relations/ marketing firms
2007 – 2015 Active member and investor in Connecticut Angel Investor Forum for entrepreneurs
2009 – Partner in a management team called g6, made up of business management experts (operation, marketing, m&a, finance) to prepare companies to become investment grade
2009 – PRSA National Leadership Steering Committee
Position Papers:
Marketing Through Chaos: A Plan for Technology-Based Entrepreneurs.
Use The New Communications Channels Or Perish: Reaching Your Stakeholders Throughout Their Decision-Making Process, January 2006, First Experience Communications, Publisher
Making Your School District Website More Than An Information Dumping Ground, October 2005
Community Colleges: Bridging Access To Success Through Collaborative Branding, April 2005
Public Education In America: The Tide Is Turning…Is Your District Prepared? October 2004
Various presentations on Social Media, Business and Market Planning, and Branding Positioning 2008-09
Branding and Technology, Line56, February 2004
Building Trust in Your Community – The Role of Public Relations in Times of Change and Uncertainty, Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE) Journal, October 2004
Ensuring Your Brand Equity Stays Strong in Economic Downturns, Hartford Business Journal, September 9, 2002
From 1984 to 2022 I have given presentations on more than 100 occasions to business professionals, public relations professionals, civic groups and non-profit organizations on such topics as effective communication in business, what is public relations, integrated marketing communication, and online communication planning. Examples include:
Business Management Program for Advertising, Design and Public Relations Agencies: Growing Your Firm to Increase Profitability
Marketing and communications firms are often at the core of helping transform their clients’ organizations in a 24/7 world, yet they have a challenging time adapting their own business model to grow and be profitable. In this program, you will learn why prioritizing your personal, professional and business goals are a must for you to be highly compensated, and to have a sustained profitability strategyfor your firm. No matter what the size of your firm, you should be well compensated for the leadership and risk you take every day. This program will share the best practices used in running firms. If you do not have your personal and financial goals well thought out, you become a prisoner to your firm, and eventually become frustrated and discouraged. Shared with you will be time-tested practical, common-sense solutions and ideas that you can apply to your own firm‘s management and operation. The Agency Business Management Program is an outgrowth of presenting at national conferences on agency best practices. He has counseled over 50 agencies during the past 5 years.
Program Components
Defining and Supporting Your Personal & Career Priorities – Leading and Managing a Business versus Managing a Career
Business Goals (Managing the Business) – Practice Areas: Vertical Markets, Skills, Staffing, Outsourcing, Cash Flow and Reserves
Designing and Managing a Sustained Profit and Compensation Model –Billable Hours Strategy and Staff Productivity/efficiency
Sustaining a Market & Sales Plan – New Business Development, Existing Customer Cross Selling and Referrals, and Network Marketing
Marketing 101 presentation for the Connecticut Technology Council IPA for startup tech companies Webinar: http://www.ctipa.org/InnovationPipelineAcceleratorWebinars.htm
Smart Marketing and Public Relations for Community-based Organizations: Building Brand for Success, Community Leadership Association Annual International Conference, April 2006, Hartford, CT
A Website Should Be More than an Information Dumping Ground, Smart Marketing for Non-Profits & Small Businesses Seminar, November 2005, Hartford, CT and the National School Public Relations Association, July 2005, Boston, MA
Bridging Access to Success, American Association of Community Colleges Annual Conference, April 2005, Boston, MA
Managing Customer Service Training Session – You are the Face and the Voice of Your Institution: The Making of a Customer-Driven Organization, April 2003, Capital Region Education Council, Hartford, CT
Managing Communications in Times of Change: It Could Be Your Best Friend During TQM Initiatives, October 1998, Connecticut Quality Council Annual Conference, Hartford, CT
How Much Is Interactive Marketing Worth?, March 1996, Gartner Annual Conference, New York, NY
Crisis Communications, March 1996, SMPS Connecticut Chapter, Farmington, CT
Channeling Brand Identity Through Technology, 1996, New York, NY
Adjunct Instructor, Community Relations, Executive Leadership Program and Advisor for doctoral dissertation candidate for primary community-based research models, University of Connecticut Neag School of Education
PRSA National, District, Sections:
Assembly delegate-at-large, 1998; Tri-State District Chair, 1998; Created a three district seminar, Integrated Marketing Communication, Sturbridge, MA 1998; Professional Services Section Chair, 1996
Conference Presentations: Counselors (Los Cabos, 2007; Savannah, 2006; Phoenix, 2005; La Quinta, 2000); National (Philadelphia, 2007; Salt Lake City 2006; Anaheim 1999; Boston 1998)
National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) Presentations:
Making Your School District Website More than an Information Dumping Ground: Building Value that Builds Effective Relationships, Annual Conference, July 2005, Boston, MA
Turning a School District’s Budget Increases into an Advantage: The New Way to Position A School District’s Value, Annual Conference, July 2004, Nashville, TN
Creating and Supporting an Effective School District Website and HTML Newsletter that Supports Funding, Illustrates Achievement and Promotes the Value of a Public School Education, Annual Conference, July 2004, Nashville, TN
Leadership Communication Workshop for School Districts, Annual Conference, July 2002, San Diego, CA
Connecticut Marketing Communication Steering Committee, 1996-2000
Initiated a consortium made up of Connecticut’s IABC, American Marketing Association, PRSA, SMPA, Advertising Club of Connecticut whose purpose was to coordinate professional development seminars and workshops on an annual basis. In 1996 created the “Smart Marketing for Nonprofits” annual seminar and workshops.
April 1985 -Annual Connecticut Associated Press Broadcasters Association Outstanding Achievement in Broadcasting Award with WFSB Eyewitness News Feature “Ellis Island”, a five-part series illustrating immigrants’ contributions to Connecticut’s economic growth. I provided the background for interviewing Ellis Island immigrants, historical data, and visual information. This was done in conjunction with the creation of supplementary education curriculum around the State of Liberty/Ellis Island Centennials.
December 1997 – Annual Service Award for Outstanding Service to the Connecticut Valley Chapter of PRSA for over 12 years of service and leadership to the Chapter and the profession. Under my 12 years of leadership: the Chapter’s by-laws were rewritten; Mercury Annual Awards were created and modeled after the Silver and Bronze Anvils; membership increased by over 15%; Connecticut’s first PRSSA Chapter was created at the University of Hartford; and future officers and committee chairs were recruited.
May 2001 – International Community Leadership Association Distinguished Leadership Award for Exemplary Service and Commitment to the Community, Annual Conference, Greensboro, NC
December 2002 – Annual Outstanding Practioner Award by the Connecticut Valley Chapter
October 2003 – Annual Award from the Connecticut Association of Nonprofits for helping and supporting Connecticut non-profits’ efforts in the statewide campaign “Face of Nonprofits”
October 2006 – Inducted into PRSA College of Fellows, an honorific society of the 400 plus communication leaders that recognizes the accomplishments in the field of public relations
December 2012 – Volunteer of the Year, CT Technology Council
PRSA Bronze Anvil: Application of New Technology, 1994; Brochures, 1996
PRSA Connecticut Valley, Southern Connecticut and Fairfield/Westchester Chapters Mercury Awards: Community Relations, 1997; Collateral Material, 1997; Collateral Material, 1998; Integrated Campaign, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005; Research, Integrated Campaign, Best in Show 2006, 2021
Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce, President’s Award, 2007
PRSA Connecticut Chapter 2021 Best of Show: Farmington H.S. Project
Community Service
I have been committed to community service for over 40 years. A combination of volunteering, sponsoring, internships, and mentoring have been core values of mine. I was the past chair of the Glastonbury Education Foundation where over $400,000 was raised for technology pilot programs and a state-of-the-art digital television and audio-visual center.
Leadership Roles
Board of Directors:
MIT Enterprise Forum CT/Connecticut Entrepreneurial Forum
Connecticut Technology Council, Executive Committee, Chair, Communication and Marketing Committee
Steering Committee, Catalyst Fund of the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Glastonbury Education Foundation, Past Chairman
Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce, Strategic Planning Committee
Leadership Greater Hartford, 1999-2005
The Connecticut Quality Council, 1996-7
Literacy Volunteers of America/Connecticut, 1997-1999
Committee Member
Foodshare, Public Relations
United Way of the Hartford Area, Marketing and Public Relations
reSet Finance and Legislative (Social Enterprise Organization)
Special Olympics World Games Communications Committee, 1995
Greater Hartford Marketing and Communication Council, 1996-2000
School/Business Partnerships Advisory Board of Manchester Community College, 1998-99
• 2001-03 Course work toward M.S., Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Graduate Center, Hartford, CT
• 1969 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Design, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
Contact us for a free consultation to learn how we can help your organization.